7 Ways Parents Can Help their Daughter Develop Self-Love

7 Ways Parents Can Help their Daughter Develop Self-Love

Everyone wants to raise a responsible, independent, intelligent daughter who carries herself with self-love. As a parent, you are responsible for raising your child in the ways of the Lord as noted in Proverbs 22:6. Yet, it can seem overwhelming for some, but the key is to stay consistent with what you teach them.

As you train up your daughter, teach her the power and value of self-love. Society nowadays presents negative things that do not allow them to develop their self-worth, but you are the mediator that will equip them to overcome worldly views. Your daughter should be taught about self-love so they can learn to have high regard for their health and happiness. Here are 7 ways you can help your daughter develop self-love. 

1.  Model Self-Love and Balance in Your Own Life

As a parent, you need to model self-love and balance in your own life. So, what exactly does that look like? That means speaking good things about yourself when your daughter is around. Speak positive affirmations and do not refer to yourself in a negative manner. Remind her that you are not perfect, but you can still love yourself regardless.

Model balancing your life to her. This means that you are looking out for your own well-being, but also being able to give back to others in need. When you do, ensure you communicate kindly with others. Remember your daughter is watching your every move. 

2.  Praise and Encourage Your Daughter

Praising and encouraging your daughter that she is beautiful from the inside and out should become a daily habit as a parent. You want to help them develop and plant these ideas into their mind, at this age, so when the time comes and people tell them otherwise, they are certain that those things are not true.

Continue to praise their efforts in all aspects of her life: spiritual, emotional, academic, and social. Also, celebrate their accomplishments whether they are big or small, and keep encouraging her with positive words. Do not overdo this, but do it in a manner that is meaningful.

Encourage your daughter to do her best in everything she does especially the things she is passionate about. Motivate her to pursue what she loves and to have grit and discipline. Tell her how proud you are of the young woman she is becoming and that she can do anything she sets her mind to (You can quote Philippians 4:13).

3.  Teach Her to Have Healthy Boundaries

Teach your daughter to create and respect boundaries. This also means that you will need to communicate and define healthy boundaries with her. When you see that your daughter is pushing the limit at home, you may need to have a discussion letting her know the expectations you have. When you have this conversation, include her by asking her open-ended questions. This way you can both unpack and come to a mutual agreement.

When you give clear and direct expectations in an appropriate manner, she will learn that this is the norm when setting boundaries with others. You will teach her that speaking up, in a respectful manner, is the right way to settle differences. It would be best if you reminded her that she has every right to address someone who is not respecting her boundaries.

The goal is to teach her these tactics instead of always trying to rescue her. Your daughter will be more equipped as an adult because you taught her to have an open line of communication. 

4.  Teach Her to Be Independent and Make Her Own Decisions 

Your daughter will one day grow up and will need to make big decisions on her own, but right now you should be preparing her by helping her become independent. Start by giving your daughter options to choose from.

Here are some listed:

  • Cleaning her room on a specific day of the week
  • Having her devotional in the morning or evening
  • Allowing her to shop for herself
  • Completing chore(s) by the end of the day

This not only places you as the facilitator, but your daughter will know that she has responsibilities to attend to. This will also teach her to make her own decisions by completing the task at her convenience. She will have complete independence to decide when she wants to. 

Get involved in the process, you are guiding your daughter to become a strong, independent, good decision-maker who practices self-love. 

5.  Give Your Daughter Attention and Affection

Give your daughter the attention when she asks for it. You may get caught up in many other things in life, but don’t neglect the most important thing.

Daughters need to spend quality time and they need affection from both parents. It’s crucial you work as a team to provide the affection she needs; otherwise, she may go and look for it somewhere else. Plan time to go out with your daughter or plan a trip to bond. Ask questions and embrace her by letting her know how important she is. 

Teach Your Daughter to Love and Accept Her Body

Teach your daughter to accept and love herself. The body is only one aspect of a human. Her body is wonderfully and beautifully made by the creator.

Read scripture and empower her with words that uplift her. Educate her on how to take care of the body God has given her.

Your daughter can learn to:

  • Not compare herself to others
  • Develop healthy eating habits
  • Look at herself through the eyes of her creator
  • Take care of her body and not harm it

Remind her that social media is not as real as people make it out to be.

Help develop her mindset. When her mind and body are healthy, she will embrace herself. Train your daughter to accept her body and to love all of herself.

Gift Her: With a Reminder Token

Get her a gift to remind her of all the lessons you have taught her. You will not always have the opportunity to be with your daughter and protect her, but she will remember all the lessons and conversations you had with her about loving herself. 

To remind her of those valuable moments, you can buy her a small gift. This small gift will remind her of all the wonderful things you taught her about loving herself. It will also show her how valuable she is to you, and she will know that your greatest desire for her is for her to love herself. You can find great gifts at She Faith. Your daughter will be glad you did.

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