5 Ways To Help Your Daughter Build Her Faith

5 Ways To Help  Your Daughter Build Her Faith

Raising a daughter at this age is as beautiful as it is complicated. So much has changed and continues to evolve in our world rapidly. There are messages of empowerment and spectacular achievements everywhere you look. And yet the real threat to many girls is anxiety and depression. Research conducted by the Substance and Mental Health Services Administration shows that girls had three times as many depressive episodes as boys. 

Frequently, we overlook a parent's impact on her daughter. It's easier to underestimate parents' importance, especially moms, as strong role models. Did you know that; adolescent girls, whom we often presume are more susceptible to peer pressure, claim that their moms matter the most?

Nevertheless, I can imagine that most of us didn't imagine they would be raising their daughters during such times. In order to shield them from the world's lies, these girls must consistently hear God's word. Whose responsibility is it to help them? It is ours as parents. We must bring them up in their Christian faith by teaching them biblical truths and strong values.  

Let's dive in and see five pointers to help your daughter build her Christian faith. 

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6 ESV.

  1. Teach Her the Value of Choices.

Proverbs 22:6 explains that the child's training is more about the direction she will take and not so much about what she can do or be. A child's direction is not determined by their gift but by their choices. It is then paramount to teach a child to make good choices. 

If your daughter learns to dedicate her life to God and to adjust her choices to the same, she will do so even in old age. As the saying goes, old habits die hard. Sometimes the difference between a happy and sad young adult is the choices they have made and their consequences after that.

  1. Model by Example

An article by the Telegraph reveals the results of research done by Dove United Kingdom on over 2,000 mothers. The results revealed that girls as young as seven were mirroring their mother's habits, such as sucking in their tummies and saying they were overweight.

Kids learn a lot by watching their parents. And it's not in the big things only. Have you ever asked yourself, in case your child couldn't understand your words, what would your actions teach them? Do they see you reading the Bible or praying? Do they hear you praying for others and asking for forgiveness? By no means am I insinuating that we must be perfect? In all honesty, 90% of parents struggle with daily devotional discipline. There are seasons we are crushing it in that area and others when we are on the struggle bus. 

However, helping your daughter grow in her faith gives her hope, security, and answers to life's most central and biggest questions. Your honesty in your own inconsistency and the amazing benefits of growing in faith will help them greatly. Do not forget that you are her biggest role model. 

  1. Remind Her of Her Worth in Christ. 

Be active. Brace yourself for how often she will struggle with unrealistic expectations and standards the world sets. Encourage your daughter to lay the foundation of her worth in Christ so that it will serve as her emotional scaffolding as she grows older.

Tell her of the unconditional love that Christ harbors for her. Tell her that her worth is not tied to whom she pleases, for she was created in the image of God.  

Keep reminding her of this truth consistently. You can use other mediums to communicate the message again and again. It might be a simple Christian T-shirt with faith quotes. You can also buy her some Christian jewelry that will serve as a reminder whenever she needs encouragement, and she is far from home. Check out our web store for some of these items. 

  1. Love Her Through Her Doubts

The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.

Proverbs 24:16 NLT

No person doesn't struggle with insecurity in their walk with Christ. It's perfectly normal. A parent's job is to love them during every season of their life. Do not be quickly upset when your daughter expresses doubts and questions about the Christian faith. Sometimes our love for Christ as parents will be exhibited through our faith in love.  

It's then important to remind our daughters that God is their strong rock and shepherd, to whom they can run when in doubt or afraid. He loves them just as they are. Talk to them and lovingly assist them in working past their doubts. Remember that there is no genuine Christian who was coerced into being one. 

  1. Teach Your Daughter To Serve

I know that we all treasure our daughters very much. As a result, making an idol out of them also becomes very easy. Sometimes parents allow their little princess to do things how she feels while turning a blind eye to her disobedience and disrespect of others. This often leads her to believe that the world rotates around her. It's not only detrimental to her but such "love" will set the stage for a slew of problems in her life. 

What if you taught her what scripture says. That; we are all created equal before God, and He made us to serve one another (Mathew 25:40). Although society may regard such concepts to be antiquated, God knew what He was doing when he made us. Serving others teaches us to respect, esteem, and eventually love them. 

It is the reason why the act of service sums up the entire gospel of Jesus. He humbled himself by coming into our world, serving people, and gladly giving up His life to offer us salvation. 

Bonus Tip: Pray With and For Your Daughter.

It goes without saying that after all is said and done, all we can sometimes do as parents is to pray. Pray over her identity, purpose, heart, and relationships. Sometimes while praying, call her. Sit down and pray with her about her life and the lives of your loved ones.

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